The month of Kislev
The month of Kislev
The month of Kislev is the ninth month of the Jewish calendar. Kislev is associated with the tribe of Benjamin, known as being the most gifted of the tribes for the art of the bow. Benjamin was the only child born in the land of promise. This is the month we should watch Israel. We should be aware of the war season ahead.
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
The name Kislev is taken from the Hebrew word for "security" and "trust", reminding us to enter into new levels of security and trust at this season.
Kislev is a month of tranquility and peace, even in the midst of warfare. Remain in the secret place of the Most High under the shadow of the Almighty. God can speak to you through dreams and visions in the night. All that has been poured into you is beginning to stir up revelation in the night. Allow God to speak to you about your sleeping patterns. We must deal with what God brings up during the night. If He wakes you up ask Him what He is trying to say. Deal with whatever He shows you and go back to sleep. If we would learn to listen to what He tells us during the day He would not have to wake us up at all.
This is the month Hanukkah begins. Hanukkah connects the month of Kislev and the following month of Tevet. We see in the message of the Hanukkah that in the midst of destruction, God will find a way to impart His mercy into you. His grace is sufficient for you and will see you through the times of devastation and despair. As He reveals to you the revelation for the year ahead process it as Ezekiel 47. The water began ankle deep, then increased to knee deep, waist deep, and over our heads. Working through past traumas and issues at each level is the key before moving onto the next level.
Rosewood Apostolic Center is a healing and restoration center for those who have experienced trauma. If you would desire prayer ministry for trauma or for training in this area please contact us on the web at or call us at 386.944.5979.
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